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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Waiting for Google to Fix Blogger

For some reason, I can't add any gadgets to my Blogger Blog.  That is, when I try to add any gadget in the design section, I have no way to do so because this function, "Add a Gadget", never presents itself anymore.

To top that off, the gadgets I have already added are not loading (at all). 

I am actually getting sick and tired of waiting for the blogger design function at Blogger to actually work, and waiting is getting really, really annoying.  I mean, its bee a few days.  Then it worked in the morning.  Now, again, it doesn't work at all.

I just want to get the thing right so that I can just start blogging, but the way it is tells nothing of Me and corrupts the message I am sending.  Get this thing working, will you, Google?


Soul Slavery

This site explores the needs of a few who's soul drives a desperate need to be a willful slave or Master of another, giving complete control of their mind, body, heart, and very soul, or accepting that control and commanding with confidence and authority. This blog is NOT about forced slavery, it is about strength of conviction. It covers a partnership of at least two indivuals tailored explicitly with Master and slave rolls in order to fulfill the needs, desires, respect, trust, love and lust of each other. It's an adventure in living through complete submission and total control.

When two or more souls understand and willfully accept a permanent commitment through complimenting roles of owner and property in order to bond in a hierarchal fashion by forming a strong symbiotic union. The exquisite gift of complete submission is honored with ownership of that rite by accepting and commanding it with authority through the Master's total domination of that prize. The act of accepting belonging also includes cherishing such property in the pursuit of a lasting relationship filled with mutual respect and trust which grows through the protection, guidance and disipline of the treasured one, and is equaled through the returned act of obedience and servitude to the superior One.

The Master/slave relationship isn't about inequality or oppression, it is about accepting and thriving in different roles within a relationship which have served all of humanity well throughout our existance. Inequality and oppression may be a part of the play, but it is not necessarily a part of the master formula behind what makes this relationship work so well.  Respect and trust, something uncommon in marriage, is what takes this to a new level.

Only within the last thirty years have roles become so blurred as women's rights have reached to climb above the traditional women's role.  As a dominant male, I find that the women's liberators have taken their own fun out of the picture and don't understand how far they have taken it in a bid for strength.  Women are strong, but not physically, only mentally an emotionally.  But the women's libers are giving-up power in a quest for power.  They give-up the ability to seduce and coax in a quest to co-exist as a domainant equal.

The problem is not with the equality of a man and a woman, we are equals, we simply perform different roles.  It is with soul slavery where we take this equality through the two roles of a commander and his minion to the extreme and we find that the equality exists only through and because of the union.

However, soul slavery is not merely another term for the M/s (Master/slave) relationship dynamic.  It is actually a commitment to a way of life.  It offers a permanent consensual solution to the pathetic failure of modern commitment, because it requires a stake in a proven method of success.  It's a bit like the Master at the helm and His crew always behind Him, supporting Him and cheering his efforts.

The failure behind marriage is that there is no longer any structure, no commander.  By dividing the institution of marriage into a partnership, there is no head to guide the monster.  Let's face it, when a private contractor works with a corporation, the charges usually triple over working with a private company or person.  This is done because it is a nightmare to work for a committee where the project will change and approval takes forever because it is so hard to get a meeting of all those minds.  Two heads are better than one in the concept stage, but ultimately a quarterback has to step up and lead the team, making all the decisions.

Soul slavery encourages permanent relationships in an extremely structured relationship that will work according to the convictions of it's consenting participants.  It requires a level of respect for the partners just to get started and soul slavery even encourages trust in each other because of the extremes and sensuality in the nature of this intimate relationship.